Social Distancing

Coronavirus… People are polarized in two separate camps of “We’ve got canned goods for the next six months and enough toilet paper to get us through summer” or “I’m buying tickets to Hawaii and boarding an empty plane”.  However, the formation of new habits in our current state of affairs has the potential for a longer lasting impact in future societal norms.  What exactly will social distancing create? And what has this unearthed?

I was watching a video of an Italian street completely emptied, as mandatory countrywide quarantine had been implemented.  In the video, the people of this town sang harmoniously with one another from their homes.  Impromptu music has become viral throughout the area, with people playing musical instruments to their neighbors or randomly bursting out in song, and expressing a hope to one day soon become able to hug one another again.

What strikes me is the humanity of it all.  The feeling of hope during dire times, the desire to connect even when we cannot physically be together.  It gives me all the feels.  As we are hunkering down and planning for catastrophe, I am inspired by others to keep the connection.

In my field of work, connection and relationships are at the core of it all.  I have been reflecting on the implementation of social distancing, and problem solving how to continue to be supportive of my clients and people who continue to reach out for help.  I always offer telehealth services (basically Facetime or Skype but with a therapy-lingo name and on a HIPPA compliant platform so everything stays uber confidential) when necessary, for situations such as a teen who goes away for college but needs ongoing support while away from home, or a jetsetter who travels often for work and cannot commit to a weekly time to be present physically in the therapy room.  I realized quickly that this service needs to be offered to everyone in this time of need.  So whether you are my weekly client, or you are wanting to reach out for help but do not feel comfortable leaving your home during this pandemic, I encourage you to still reach out.  I promise you that if you seek connection during this time of mandatory seclusion, my staff and I will be here for you.

I realize that what has been unearthed during this whole affair is an overwhelming desire to connect with one another.  It’s funny how we seem to take this for granted- just look around a restaurant on a Friday night to see how many people are staring at their phones in front of their company.  Technology habits have overtaken the family dinner table.  As schools are closing and mandatory quarantine just may become a reality for us as it is in other parts of the world, I am finding a sense of peace with it all.  Time to slow down, time to enjoy family, time to pull out art supplies and board games.  Time to burst out in impromptu song.

~ Christy Livingston, LMFT

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